Sergio Gustavo Filippi, Commercial Manager of Argentine telecommunications company Metrotel, is interviewed by TAVI Latam.


Highlights from the interview:
-VID affords an integral solution to analog and digital audio and video signal transport.
-VID uses fiber optic technology.
-Our company is among the main providers within the Media & Entertainment segment.
-We’ve got 25 customers using VID. They include the main content providers, producing companies and distributors, teleports, as well as state-run and private TV channels.
-Metrotel has got its own fiber optic network, which is over 3,600 kilometers long.


TAVI Latam:-What is VID service?
Filippi:-Our VID service affords an integral solution to analog and digital audio and video signal transport. It uses fiber optic technology and delivers low latency and excellent bandwidth.
TAVI Latam:-What are the benefits of using VID?
Filippi:-It makes it possible to connect two ends through a network based on video matrices and to manage signals with 4:2:2 quality, both in urban areas and for interurban transport. A fiber optic network connects Metrotel with the main terrestrial and satellite TV services, teleports, TV channels and producing companies, which allows us to implement our service rapidly. Service may be unidirectional or bi-directional, as required.
TAVI Latam:-How do you assess the technical performance of VID service?
Filippi:-Performance is very good, which has turned our company into one of the main providers within the Media & Entertainment segment. The nature of the system we use, together with near-zero compression, assure quality from end to end.
TAVI Latam:-How do you assess the commercial performance of the system? How many customers have you got?
Filippi:-From the commercial standpoint, the deployment of matrices in strategic points has enabled us to provide access to permanent and occasional audio and video services and to meet the need for fixed and temporary interconnection services. For example, our customers have used VID to broadcast the journalistic coverage of the latest presidential election in Argentina and the most significant sports, religious and artistic events. Among them, it is worth highlighting the latest edition of Martín Fierro Awards. At the same time, we offer support for the transmission, production and distribution of TV channels. Right now we have 25 customers. They include the main content providers, producing companies and distributors, teleports, as well as state-run and private TV channels.
TAVI Latam:-How long is your fiber optic network in Argentina?
Filippi:-Metrotel has got its own fiber optic network, which is over 3,600 kilometers long. Its high speed makes it possible to offer high availability service and efficient data transport.
TAVI Latam:-Where is your network located?
Filippi:-Our company operates in Buenos Aires City, Greater Buenos Aires and La Plata, Rosario, Córdoba, Mendoza and Neuquén metropolitan areas.

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