Turner has launched its TV Everywhere platform for Chile’s CDF premium channels. In this way, Pay TV subscribers who have signed up for these channels may access content on any fixed or mobile device. CDF HD and CDF Premium channels broadcast all local soccer tournament matches live.
“CDF was available only on linear screens through operators. Now all customers who are already paying for CDF premium package will have the possibility of viewing content on their mobile phones, tablets or computers…,” as one of Turner’s Distribution VPs, Gustavo Minaker, told TAVI Latam. This service allows customers to use only one screen at a time.
TV Everywhere has been available on CDF since last October 1, although some Pay TV companies have not implemented it yet.
This product is completely different from already existing CDF Estadio, an OTT service directly accessible to users that doesn’t require a Pay TV operator. CDF Estadio also broadcasts local soccer tournament matches and may be viewed on fixed and mobile devices alike.